Modifying Key Bindings

You can change key bindings by editing the keyBindings configuration section.

Here is how you can configure the Right arrow key to open the selected directory and Left to go up:

keyBindings {
    "Left" { id "core.go.up" }
    "Right" { id "" }

core.go.up and are action identifiers. You can find them right in the Action panel: hold the Opt key, and the identifiers will be shown.

Action identifiers

To unset a default key binding, pass null as a value:

keyBindings {
    "F5" null

Shortcuts Without Modifier Keys

You can set up keybindings for letter keys, e.g.:

keyBindings {
    "H" "core.move.left"
    "L" "core.move.right"
    "K" "core.move.up"
    "J" "core.move.down"

However, you might realize the added bindings don’t work, and Quick Select is activated instead. You can change the behavior so Quick Select activates only by pressing the / key:

behavior {
	quickSelect {
        activateOnAnyCharacter true

Now Marta recognizes your key bindings and moves the cursor accordingly.

Action Arguments

Some Marta actions allow you to specify its arguments right in the configuration file.

Action nameParameters
Analyze Disk Usagesrc – folder to analyze (string)
Compresssrc – source files (array)
target – targe folder (string)
Create Symbolic Linksrc – file to make a symlink for (string)
target – symlink path (string)
Deselect grouppattern – regular expression
Display Modemodetable, 1column, 2columns, 3columns
Editsrc – files to edit (array)
Edit Foldersrc – folder to edit (string)
Eject disksrc – folder to eject (string)
Flattensrc – folder to open (string)
Get Infosrc – file to show info for (string)
Hierarchysrc – folder to open (string)
Navigate to Original Filesrc – symlink path (string)
Navigate to Original File in New Tabsrc – symlink path (string)
Opensrc – files to open (array)
Open Asextension – extension to apply (string)
Open Foldersrc – folder to open (string)
mode – open mode (samePane, inactivePane, newTab, newTabBackground, newWindow)
Open Withsrc – files to open (array)
Orderingordering – ordering to apply (name, size, extension, created, modified, added, permissions, permissionsCompact).
isAscending – ordering direction (`true` or `false`).
showFoldersOnTop – `true` if folders should be displayed above files.
Reveal in Findersrc – file to reveal (string)
Run Actionsactions – actions to run (array)
Select grouppattern – regular expression
Sharesrc – file to share (string)
Show Hidden Filesvaluetrue to show hidden files, false otherwise
Unmount volumesrc – folder to unmount (string)

Here is how you can bind Alt+H to open the home folder:

keyBindings {
    "Alt+H" {
        id ""
        src "~"

Special Keys

Below you can find a list of available special and modifier keys.

ModifierKey Names
Command, Cmd
Control, Ctrl
Option, Opt, Alt
Group NameAvailable Key Names
Navigation KeysUp, Down, Left, Right,
PageUp, PageDown, PageUp, Home, End
Function KeysF1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10,
F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F20
NumLock KeysKeypad0, Keypad1, Keypad2, Keypad3, Keypad4, Keypad5, Keypad6, Keypad7, Keypad8, Keypad9, KeypadClear, KeypadDecimal, KeypadEnter, KeypadEquals, KeypadMinus, KeypadMultiply, KeypadPlus, KeypadDivide
Other KeysBackspace, Escape/Esc, Delete, Return, Space, Tab, Keypad6, Keypad7, Keypad8, Keypad9, KeypadClear, KeypadDecimal, KeypadEnter, KeypadEquals, KeypadMinus, KeypadMultiply, KeypadPlus, KeypadDivide