Changing Fonts

All Marta fonts (except fonts in dialogs which are system-global) can be configured (fonts):

fonts {
    actionBar [ "Default" 12 ]
    breadcrumbs [ "Default" 12 ]
    virtualTabs [ "Default Bold" 12 ]
    files [ "Default" 12 ]
    statusBar [ "Default Light" 11 ]
    tableHeader [ "Default" 11 ]
    tabs [ "Default" 12 ]
    preferences [ "Monaco" 12 ]

The value is a two-element array (e.g. ["Helvetica Neue" 13]). The first element is the font name (including postfixes such as Bold or Italic), the second is the text size.

Use the “Default” font family (e.g. “Default Regular” or “Default Light”) to set the system-global macOS font.